[REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Max teabag » 7 December 2017, 03:03

Ty Q wrote: Seeing as Eric went through the effort of making the game and the level editor itself, his maps shouldn't be expected to fit the map approval requirements.

You write as if you have misunderstood the whole point of approved maps. They are not to pet the map creator's ego, but to serve to make the game better for everyone. You severely underestimate Eric as a developer if you think otherwise. Just look at his past actions.

I've thought more about what Bob has said, and I've argued with a couple people. This is the sum of all the arguments for and against keeping it approved.

For: Listen to the players, It's popular, so keep it approved.
Against: It's only popular because it provides for fast, cheap, kills. People don't actually like the map, they just feel a little forced to choose a map that will provide faster kills.
For: Among other maps, Eric gurt-railwars1 is even smaller and is even easier to make kills. Stryde-Sniper is more popular because It's more fun and demands higher skill, as they've mastered the map.
Against: The enjoyability and mastery of the map is a byproduct of that it was popular due to small size and fast kills.
For: Any other small map had the same opportunity. The fact that EGRW was primarily played in COOP instead of DM, proves that players prefer having fun instead than preferring chaotic cheap kills.
Against: The game will be more enjoyable to everyone if we only approve bigger maps.
For: By starting with this map, by the same logic, we will go on a witch-hunt for the current map that always provides the cheapest kills, hence, we will end up with only gigantic approved maps.

What I find so interesting about the discussion about the map is that it has it's parallels to real-world politics regarding the debate of free-market vs government control. lol.
Max Teabag
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Jason Eden » 3 January 2019, 21:08

There are 232 currently approved maps in this game. But out of all of them players play stryde-sniper 24/7. And I wouldn't complain about this map if players played other maps too or at least if an average ping of an average player on this map was 100 or less.

Each time I enter ranked section all I see are stryde-sniper DM matches filled with 170+ ping players spamming grenades, spawnkilling and lagkilling each other. Is it fair or entertaining? I personally don't think so. It may be fun for you, average stryde-sniper player, but the cost of this fun is dead ranked section. We are forced to either play stryde-sniper with everybody else or limit ourselves to custom section.

There is another problem with this map too - it kills any wish for map developers to create well-structured and well-detailed maps. If this "3 walls + 1 background" sniper map is worth 4600+ votes with an average vote of 4 and 12 000+ matches started, then tell me - what's the point of improving skills in level editor? What's the point of wasting DAYS to make a good map just to please you, player? Because if you didn't know level developers make maps for YOU. But instead of being thankful you praise junk made for 5 minutes. This is why high quality maps appear in this game very rarely - it's because there is no more reason to make them. This is why good level developers leave the game - their work is not needed here anymore.

If you are curious who or what kills this game then you should probably look in the mirror.
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Star Fox McCloud » 3 January 2019, 21:45

Please Jason all others are bad maps. snipers is the way to go! popularity and simplicity is what makes the best maps. remember realwar? yeah so lets NOT complain about this map. It is the best competitive fast paced map in pb2, brings pros together, and its nostalgic from 2012! Eric loves this map since he loves snipers himself.

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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Resurrectionn » 3 January 2019, 22:17

Jason Eden wrote:There are 232 currently approved maps in this game. But out of all of them players play stryde-sniper 24/7. And I wouldn't complain about this map if players played other maps too or at least if an average ping of an average player on this map was 100 or less.

Each time I enter ranked section all I see are stryde-sniper DM matches filled with 170+ ping players spamming grenades, spawnkilling and lagkilling each other. Is it fair or entertaining? I personally don't think so. It may be fun for you, average stryde-sniper player, but the cost of this fun is dead ranked section. We are forced to either play stryde-sniper with everybody else or limit ourselves to custom section.

There is another problem with this map too - it kills any wish for map developers to create well-structured and well-detailed maps. If this "3 walls + 1 background" sniper map is worth 4600+ votes with an average vote of 4 and 12 000+ matches started, then tell me - what's the point of improving skills in level editor? What's the point of wasting DAYS to make a good map just to please you, player? Because if you didn't know level developers make maps for YOU. But instead of being thankful you praise junk made for 5 minutes. This is why high quality maps appear in this game very rarely - it's because there is no more reason to make them. This is why good level developers leave the game - their work is not needed here anymore.

If you are curious who or what kills this game then you should probably look in the mirror.

You clearly do not realise the point of ranked is for players to show their skill and battle for ranks. Stryde Sniper has clearly done so and that's why it is so popular since its making. The map is very even throughout and a skilled sniper player can out player who is at any area in the map. Unlike other maps that are popular right now.

The fact that you want to get this map disapproved shows that not only are u a player cant play maps that require skill for success, and that is why you resort to playing maps such as ijer-sector that everyone knows requires camping that requires little skill camp ,run away and camp again, relying on spawn killing etc. You also try to recreate this
nonsense in your various maps you have made.

Now when other players realise that these maps are boring and skill less they go back to what takes skill and is fun, stryde sniper. People will play what they find enjoyment from.If you do want to people to play stryde sniper , make or find another map that is good and can be enjoyed to the same extent or greater or you can continue to make your god awful maps and stay in your lane .
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Hikarikaze » 3 January 2019, 22:34

Resurrectionn wrote:You clearly do not realise the point of ranked is for players to show their skill and battle for ranks. Stryde Sniper has clearly done so and that's why it is so popular since its making. The map is very even throughout and a skilled sniper player can out player who is at any area in the map. Unlike other maps that are popular right now.

stryde-sniper, being a niche type of map (for a lack of better words), only emphasizes few skills and demands players to demonstrate a very specific set of skills.

It's not popular specifically because it's a showcase for skill; it's popular because it's incredibly simple and fast-paced. The map design itself follows the highly simplistic design that EGRW popularized, which in turn created simplistic and basic gameplay that literally anyone can pick up on. The learning curve associated with it isn't deep or complex because there isn't much to learn and master in terms of skills to excel with in a sniper map and some of those skills are really just basic game knowledge and awareness (positioning, enemy spotting, etc.)

Resurrectionn wrote:The map is very even throughout and a skilled sniper player can out player who is at any area in the map. Unlike other maps that are popular right now.

That's because in your example, the player in question is literally skilled as you say. That's obvious for any map with a skill ceiling, popular or otherwise. More skilled players in any map will clearly outplay lower skilled players, so what exactly is your point?

Resurrectionn wrote:Now when other players realise that these maps are boring and skill less they go back to what takes skill and is fun, stryde sniper. People will play what they find enjoyment from.If you do want to people to play stryde sniper , make or find another map that is good and can be enjoyed to the same extent or greater or you can continue to make your god awful maps and stay in your lane .

Ad hominem aside, you contradict yourself. You say indirectly that people play stryde-sniper for fun right after pointing out that people go to what is fun, that being stryde-sniper, but earlier claim it's due to allowing skill to be shown. So which is it? Or are you equating that demonstrating skill is the same as having fun?
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby phsc » 3 January 2019, 23:30

keynes vs hayek pb2 edition

if the individual is collectivist, stryde-sniper should be approved as the majority says it should be, makes sense i guess, then our lovely staff goes there n approves it, perfect sense

if the individual is individualistic, the map should also be approved as being individualistic implies freedom, and one has the right to play stryde-sniper, if a lot of people think "stryde sniper is nice" stryde sniper is still nice because it works the same way as a market n the market is a collectivist concept, etc
but theres another problem, map approval is controlled not by a "pb2 market" yet by a lovely staff team

which implies an authoritarian system, i mean, id say all games do, no hacking n etc

so what ends up happening is, the approval system cant work with the concept of free market, i mean of course custom maps have always been like that, and its pretty easy to make a map that is going to be really popular, trough all the years, generic simple bases that get spammed become the popular maps n etc, its literally the same concept things like music industry uses

but problem is, its like taking music and putting it into literal high music and low music, and i mean if we didnt do that in pb2 people would just create maps for farming n there would be no competitive play considering how the website works, based on kills

and even then id say its still more of a grind than skill, even with the pp system that in theory was made to kill farming

so, we have a problem, the concept of free market isnt a thing in pb2, and if we just let all maps count toward kills, people will be abusive, so i decided id try to come up with a few solutions:

-the recommend for approval feature being the main feature if a map is approved or not, and we unnapprove all pb2 maps, BUT ALSO ADD A OPITION FOR RECOMMEND FOR UNNAPROVAL, so if a map has been approved but a lot of people want it unnaproved, it is, staff members just go in an verify the ratings and if the maps breaks any major rules such as being next level abusive, having map making issues such as walls not overlapping, or if it has unfair advatanges
this will make so that, if more people hate stryde snipre than enjoy it, well, goodbye, also add a small number as a minimal, lets say idk 5% of pb2s daily population wants a map approved, approved it is, or some quite minor value

even then this system can be abused, lets say paulstin adds a second rule to dark clan which is RECOMMEND STRYDE-SNIPER for approval, we are doomed

or, we can go full ancap pb2 edition
-all maps count towards kills, BUT private maps, so if theres an abusive god in a map killing everyone, everybody can just kick him out of the map, killing the generic idea of public modern custom maps making so they always have to be private, but maybe add the option to give gamemaster or not in private maps, and show it in pb2s lobby

any problem with any systems feedback is constructive always no matter how much ad hominem you use, just try to have a point n not pure logical fallacies like some ppl in this community do

BUT ANYWAY, about stryde sniper i guess

its a simple map, whats the problem? people like pop music, it takes over classical music, and id say most ppl who studied music theory understand how crappy pop music is, but is it bad? bad and good is subjective, you cant impose your good over others peoples good, you dont have the same empiric experiences as them, and even then, your best mostly comes from what your cocnept of platonic beauty is, and their is different, but not only because of empiricism but also because of psychology too, there are different personality types, different people, different cultures, one cant say that the passacaglia and fugue in c minor bwv 582 is better than gucci gang, because maybe the methods for what attributes good and bad are different

but anyway, the general idea of this debate is to reach a point where most people agree, and wont lie, its mostly heavily elitist people who use the forums, but well, who is the main public of pb2, random kids, why should we care about map quality
i mean thats a collectivist argument of course, but you can still make your lovely elitist realistic war map, majority still rules approval after all, you can approve a perfect map but if people dont like it, who cares, its not pragmatic
i mean, its literally making a fugue and wanting people who listen to taylor swift to enjoy it, it doesnt happen, you either teach people how to enjoy your map, or you dont and they dont, simple as that

skillcap in pb2 is already quite ridiculously low, there are many more important factors such as the terrible syncing which literally is luck most of the case, and lag that just boosts the terrible syncing, general abuse of bugs n glitches and even the deliciously exquisite pizza sauce different physics modes that change the way the game runs whihc also deliciously exquisite pizza sauce the syncing, but if we take a pure skill based, any map has a skill cap, and higher skill cap means the map is in a general way less enjoyable, we can take a look at the market for that, DOTA is less popular than LOL, civilization games are less popular than warcraft or starcraft, not saying one is better than another everyone has their tastes, and considering that concept we can see it works in pb2, complex maps tend to be way less popular than simple maps
and stryde-sniper is simple, in theory we could use a lovely post hoc ergo propter hoc n maybe some non sequitor to top it off and say that stryde-sniper has a low skill cap and i guess most ppl would believe it
but actually, the skill cap isnt different from most maps, thing is, most people are already quite good at it, and new players have fun at it, its not like a game such as DOTA where a noob realy doesnt have any joy at all and a pro deliciously exquisite pizza sauce loves it, everyone can have fun, but next level elitist people, but these people almost dont even play pb2, and if they do they can just go play the specific map they want

approval isnt about quality its about efficiency id say, and stryde-sniper is efficient, eg-rw is efficient, realwar is efficient but not in the same aspect, the skill cap is really minimal, and thats a map i guess that if my theory of vote for approval and vote for unnaproval worked im pretty sure that map wouldnt be approved
but then maybe we can add a rate too, even tho the system would still be kinda flawed but maybe give minimal requeriments

also about requeriments what about letting 6 month old players vote on maps too?
and also make so not active people, those who arent included in top lists cant vote becuase they dont even bother going into the website in 60 days and that can easily be an alternative account

but anyway, the skill cap factor isnt a thing i guess, simplicity is also not

who said skill is what matters in approved maps, because we assume that because theres a top 100 that works based on it, it must be purely skill based, but well, it is mostly a grind not pure skill, the best possible pb2 player, someone who literally doesnt die, hell even a hacker who isnt bannable, wouldnt read top 1 playing in a week, the time factor is more important than the skill factor, and well, imo what affects that is fun, not skill, and what makes stryde sniper popualr is a equilibrium of skill, fun and in a general way old popularity and the fact people already are kinda good at it and wouldnt want its death

now heres my specific view, i think pb2 shouldnt ahve a top 100, its ridiculous, it should list most popular rated maps, players with most kills, players with biggest kd, maybe some form of kd to total kill ratio, pp, even the old rank points thing i forgot the exact name that was used back then in the tops, also ldr and specific map showdown, but the way it works now imo isnt great, and use my system for map approval and dissaproval, the first not the full ancap one

any problems just give me critics i might have deliciously exquisite pizza sauce something up but meh i dont realy care if u tell me im a idiot or like bad at the game or smth cuz thats pure ad hominem n well, tahts a logical FALLACY, such as many other fallacies that people seem not to realize are fallacies

n i guess thats it
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby IceRGodZ » 4 January 2019, 02:59

Hikarikaze nailed it. It is popular because it is intuitive, simple AND EASY TO PLAY ALL AROUND! Please guys, don’t kill PB2 completely by getting rid of THE MOST popular map overshining all other maps in pb2 servers 24/7!...

It better not happen, like the last “big” map.
Last edited by IceRGodZ on 4 January 2019, 15:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby eru_ » 4 January 2019, 11:33

Dude why the deliciously exquisite pizza sauce are you tryng to disapprouve the most succesful map in pb2 ? , becuase you ragequit ? , because you get killed, honestly i'd say every one who agree with disapproval is just jealious person
I know that my agruments are poor but i'm against disapproval
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Resurrectionn » 4 January 2019, 15:49

Hikarikaze wrote:
Resurrectionn wrote:You clearly do not realise the point of ranked is for players to show their skill and battle for ranks. Stryde Sniper has clearly done so and that's why it is so popular since its making. The map is very even throughout and a skilled sniper player can out player who is at any area in the map. Unlike other maps that are popular right now.

stryde-sniper, being a niche type of map (for a lack of better words), only emphasizes few skills and demands players to demonstrate a very specific set of skills.

It's not popular specifically because it's a showcase for skill; it's popular because it's incredibly simple and fast-paced. The map design itself follows the highly simplistic design that EGRW popularized, which in turn created simplistic and basic gameplay that literally anyone can pick up on. The learning curve associated with it isn't deep or complex because there isn't much to learn and master in terms of skills to excel with in a sniper map and some of those skills are really just basic game knowledge and awareness (positioning, enemy spotting, etc.)

Resurrectionn wrote:The map is very even throughout and a skilled sniper player can out player who is at any area in the map. Unlike other maps that are popular right now.

That's because in your example, the player in question is literally skilled as you say. That's obvious for any map with a skill ceiling, popular or otherwise. More skilled players in any map will clearly outplay lower skilled players, so what exactly is your point?

Resurrectionn wrote:Now when other players realise that these maps are boring and skill less they go back to what takes skill and is fun, stryde sniper. People will play what they find enjoyment from.If you do want to people to play stryde sniper , make or find another map that is good and can be enjoyed to the same extent or greater or you can continue to make your god awful maps and stay in your lane .

Ad hominem aside, you contradict yourself. You say indirectly that people play stryde-sniper for fun right after pointing out that people go to what is fun, that being stryde-sniper, but earlier claim it's due to allowing skill to be shown. So which is it? Or are you equating that demonstrating skill is the same as having fun?[/quote

Just by how you speak I know you are not good at the map. If the map is ever so simple not too complex. How about we play a 1v1? I bet you wont even get 5 on me to 20. That shows right there how much skill it takes. If you don't believe me we can set up a time and day to do it.

Secondly what I am saying is that players at the end of the day come on to have fun. So if the map takes skill but is boring people won't play it in ranked. And if the map is quite fun however doesn't take much skill people also wont play. It needs alot of both to be successful in ranked.
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby phsc » 4 January 2019, 16:18

Resurrectionn wrote:ad hominem: 100

can people stop being stupid as deliciously exquisite pizza sauce as acting like pb2s skill cap really matters?

this game is ridiculously easy to get good at, its mostly mechanics, you dont have to make complex plans, theres no critical thinking, no innovation that comes into play, its literally play play get mechanically decent and thats it, then other factors such as ping and in a general way, all forms of lag since if your game runs in a terrible way the syncing will also be deliciously exquisite pizza sauce up, but not only that, a player on high 60 and a player on low 20 who go up a wall and shoot probably shoot in different directions if they do it quickly, even tho it can be hitting the enemy in their screen because of how terrible the syncing is
skill isnt a valid argument at all, i dont think there are maps that really have a higher skill cap than others in pb2, and even then, its subjective, someone can be great on rails and terrible on arena, does that make rails have ah igher skill cap and arena a smaller one because lets say, someone camps in arena? its a valid strategy as annoying as it is, but the map should be balanced and not have OP camping spots, but then we are talking about stryde-sniper which doesnt have any

but being good or bad on the map doesnt deliciously exquisite pizza sauce matter, all games are mostly about the time factor than the natural skill modifier/other game experience/real life experience that makes you in a genreal way better in video games

that ressurection dude is ridiculous, im pretty sure anyone who decided to spend the time u spent playing pb2 would have a skill near yours, its not like its a really hard game, its not CS GO or DOTA 2, games where its not only about mechanical skill which is in a general way more of a time factor as i mentioned, but also consider the strategy factor, and in a general way, even innovation, something that is literally not present in pb2, the smart doesnt beat the strong, i mean in theory it does you can just hack but then tehres rules etc but who cares

youre really a ad hominem-ish person tho, nobody gives two deliciously exquisite pizza sauce if you can play a dead flash game and if youre "better" than people on it, in my opinion someone like darkstar or mrnat or max teabag, map makers, people who are actually smart and not stupid people who press buttons in a keyboard in the right order like a deliciously exquisite pizza sauce ape are way better than you, but meh, be cocky about being able to be mechanically good because we are getting into an age where nobody deliciously exquisite pizza sauce cares about it, sports are slowly going to die and esports take its place, and the most popular esports arent pb2 yet CS or DOTA, and the strategy factor is really important on them

anyway, your argument is also invalid, people come on it to have fun, some people have fun in different ways, some people enjoy RP maps, other enjoy simple killing maps, i already explained that stryde-sniper has a great balance of skill-cap and fun both not because of the skill-cap and because it has(read the long ass post of mine) you prob wont but meh

but thing is, a simple map with no skill cap IS POPULAR
JUST deliciously exquisite pizza sauce LOOK AT REALWAR, IT WAS POPULAR AS deliciously exquisite pizza sauce AND IT HAD PROBABLY THE LOWEST SKILL CAP

just look at any base or gunshop map, therye the most popular ones, theyre not ranked, but there is literally no skill factor on them
while on custom maps what would be "skill oriented maps" are saws i guess but meh

also why does a dude who plays stryde-sniper and is good at it more valuable than someone who is good at idk saws? why? just because eric said "THIS MAKES YOU REACH A LOVELY RANK THAT ALLOWS YOU TO SHOW OFF A LOVELY LABEL" its literally these stupid people who try to get high grades to get on a good unviersity but deliciously exquisite pizza sauce arent able to think for themselves and are just sheeple following a shepherd called society

also i like how you dont give any data and also dont explain why a map that has a high skillcap and a low fun modifier is bad, why a map that has a high skillcap and high fun modifier is good and why a map with a low skillcap and low fun modifier is bad, even tho max teabag made a post a long time ago on popularity of maps and he literally kinda said this
"simplicity n making it not boring is the key"

you see, he didnt mention skill cap

but meh youre probably biased n want to just play your lovely map and that is a valid point of your egoist philosophy which imo fits pretty well with your high Se according to jungian psychology which is why youre like "im cocky look at me a pb2 legend" but small thing, nobody cares, youre ridiculous, people are laughing at you

and i guess thats it
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Hikarikaze » 4 January 2019, 23:03

Resurrectionn wrote:Just by how you speak I know you are not good at the map.

Oh, so you can't answer my questions. That's good. Just by how you speak, I can tell you don't even have an argument and you're just trying to pull one from out of nowhere to protect this map.

Resurrectionn wrote:If the map is ever so simple not too complex. How about we play a 1v1?

And how's that going to prove anything about the map being complex? Why should I 1v1 you when the challenge is literally just to stroke your own sad ego and nothing else?

Resurrectionn wrote:I bet you wont even get 5 on me to 20. That shows right there how much skill it takes. If you don't believe me we can set up a time and day to do it.

It's nice when instead of refuting what I said, you can only attack my "skill" in this game, and that too by literally assuming it's below your skill level. I'd rather contest an argument, not someone's ego, in what was supposed to be a now civilized and calmed down discussion.

Resurrectionn wrote:Secondly what I am saying is that players at the end of the day come on to have fun. So if the map takes skill but is boring people won't play it in ranked.


Resurrectionn wrote:You clearly do not realise the point of ranked is for players to show their skill and battle for ranks. Stryde Sniper has clearly done so and that's why it is so popular since its making.

According to you, stryde-sniper is so popular because it lets people showcase skill and yet you still again go around and say people only play it because it's fun, which brings us back to the questions you avoided: which one is it, or are you equating the two together? Or does it happen to be both?

Resurrectionn wrote:And if the map is quite fun however doesn't take much skill people also wont play. It needs alot of both to be successful in ranked.

I suggest you probably go and look at an actual ranked system in an actual competitive game, like R6S, Overwatch, or League. In higher tiers, ranked modes don't tend to be so fun often, especially with proper ELO-based matchmaking that pairs players in certain tiers with each other for fair matches. PB2 is far less competitive than even Destiny 2's competitive system, because the latter actually bothers to organize people in skill tiers (that don't ultimately matter since their matchmaking is terrible). That comparison says a lot. PB2's competitive ranks arguably take no skill to achieve because 1.) it can be farmed, and 2.) even without farming, any decent player on a fast paced map can easily be "successful" in ranked by racking up kills against lower skill players that freely land up in the same matches. So no, I don't agree with you saying it needs a lot of anything to be successful in ranked, because a proper ranking system would make sure points 1 and 2 never happen.

The only thing you need to be "successful" in ranked is a decent amount of kills flowing in and an easy map to utilize to ensure that constant stream of kills flows in. stryde-sniper literally accomplishes that because 1.) the map is small, so spawn points are much closer to each other, 2.) since the map is small, the gameplay is faster, 3.) the sniper rifle's DPS output + the players' HP pool combined both allow faster TTKs and quicker kills, and 4.) the map being centered around one weapon makes the skills necessary to succeed based around that one weapon alone. Compare it to an arena map where you need to be proficient with and against multiple weapons in order to do decently. Naturally, stryde-sniper's skill curve isn't as complex or in-depth in comparison because there's fewer things to master, and even fewer skills that are exclusive to the map, i.e mastering the sniper rifle. The rest is basic game knowledge that you can pick up at any other map (selfboosting for example). That doesn't sound like a complex map to me at all.
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Resurrectionn » 5 January 2019, 19:13

phsc wrote:
Resurrectionn wrote:ad hominem: 100

can people stop being stupid as deliciously exquisite pizza sauce as acting like pb2s skill cap really matters?

this game is ridiculously easy to get good at, its mostly mechanics, you dont have to make complex plans, theres no critical thinking, no innovation that comes into play, its literally play play get mechanically decent and thats it, then other factors such as ping and in a general way, all forms of lag since if your game runs in a terrible way the syncing will also be deliciously exquisite pizza sauce up, but not only that, a player on high 60 and a player on low 20 who go up a wall and shoot probably shoot in different directions if they do it quickly, even tho it can be hitting the enemy in their screen because of how terrible the syncing is
skill isnt a valid argument at all, i dont think there are maps that really have a higher skill cap than others in pb2, and even then, its subjective, someone can be great on rails and terrible on arena, does that make rails have ah igher skill cap and arena a smaller one because lets say, someone camps in arena? its a valid strategy as annoying as it is, but the map should be balanced and not have OP camping spots, but then we are talking about stryde-sniper which doesnt have any

but being good or bad on the map doesnt deliciously exquisite pizza sauce matter, all games are mostly about the time factor than the natural skill modifier/other game experience/real life experience that makes you in a genreal way better in video games

that ressurection dude is ridiculous, im pretty sure anyone who decided to spend the time u spent playing pb2 would have a skill near yours, its not like its a really hard game, its not CS GO or DOTA 2, games where its not only about mechanical skill which is in a general way more of a time factor as i mentioned, but also consider the strategy factor, and in a general way, even innovation, something that is literally not present in pb2, the smart doesnt beat the strong, i mean in theory it does you can just hack but then tehres rules etc but who cares

youre really a ad hominem-ish person tho, nobody gives two deliciously exquisite pizza sauce if you can play a dead flash game and if youre "better" than people on it, in my opinion someone like darkstar or mrnat or max teabag, map makers, people who are actually smart and not stupid people who press buttons in a keyboard in the right order like a deliciously exquisite pizza sauce ape are way better than you, but meh, be cocky about being able to be mechanically good because we are getting into an age where nobody deliciously exquisite pizza sauce cares about it, sports are slowly going to die and esports take its place, and the most popular esports arent pb2 yet CS or DOTA, and the strategy factor is really important on them

anyway, your argument is also invalid, people come on it to have fun, some people have fun in different ways, some people enjoy RP maps, other enjoy simple killing maps, i already explained that stryde-sniper has a great balance of skill-cap and fun both not because of the skill-cap and because it has(read the long ass post of mine) you prob wont but meh

but thing is, a simple map with no skill cap IS POPULAR
JUST deliciously exquisite pizza sauce LOOK AT REALWAR, IT WAS POPULAR AS deliciously exquisite pizza sauce AND IT HAD PROBABLY THE LOWEST SKILL CAP

just look at any base or gunshop map, therye the most popular ones, theyre not ranked, but there is literally no skill factor on them
while on custom maps what would be "skill oriented maps" are saws i guess but meh

also why does a dude who plays stryde-sniper and is good at it more valuable than someone who is good at idk saws? why? just because eric said "THIS MAKES YOU REACH A LOVELY RANK THAT ALLOWS YOU TO SHOW OFF A LOVELY LABEL" its literally these stupid people who try to get high grades to get on a good unviersity but deliciously exquisite pizza sauce arent able to think for themselves and are just sheeple following a shepherd called society

also i like how you dont give any data and also dont explain why a map that has a high skillcap and a low fun modifier is bad, why a map that has a high skillcap and high fun modifier is good and why a map with a low skillcap and low fun modifier is bad, even tho max teabag made a post a long time ago on popularity of maps and he literally kinda said this
"simplicity n making it not boring is the key"

you see, he didnt mention skill cap

but meh youre probably biased n want to just play your lovely map and that is a valid point of your egoist philosophy which imo fits pretty well with your high Se according to jungian psychology which is why youre like "im cocky look at me a pb2 legend" but small thing, nobody cares, youre ridiculous, people are laughing at you

and i guess thats it

Once again another forum dweller whom clearly has no business speaking about this considering your have little experience or just plain bad at the map and snipers in general.For all that long essay you composed u didnt say much of anything.Firstly ill repeat it again if your forum dwellers truly think stryde-sniper is a simple low skill cap map. Lets play 1 on 1 and see how of a low skill cap it is, because according to you since its a low skill cap the the score should be relatively close.
Secondly i never said people cant enjoy other maps that dont take much skill such as a gunshop. However only an idiot wouldnt know why max teabag-gunshop isnt approved. And in this post we are talking about if this map should be approved or so it obviously matters whether this map takes skill.
Thirdly i do partially agree realwar was low skill however people had different reasons to play that map,mainly pp,kd, and easy kills for noobs. However realwar never surpassed stryde-sniper in popularity, which i do think shows that having a fun but also high skill cap map is the no.1 way to get the map popular.
Next i do know that stryde sniper is a simple map however complicated is not always better for gamplay in this game. The most skilled and successful semi automatic weapon maps (rails,snipers,rays) are generally more open so people can show their and use their movement and predict others movement.
Lastly i have no idea where u came to the conclusion that i believe that pb2 is the most skilled game out their lol. Throughout ur long rant, u seem to make a whole lot of assumptions, wild claims with no evidence and just continuously digressing from the main point.
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby IceRGodZ » 5 January 2019, 19:29

Wtf realwar did pass stryde sniper in popularity. Did you see how many times realwar swallowed the whole server for hours keeping 16 players in... and leaving the other ranked/unranked matches EMPTY?

Stryde sniper on 2nd thought, it was on par since it at least was always active.

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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby phsc » 5 January 2019, 20:11

Resurrectionn wrote:
phsc wrote:
Resurrectionn wrote:ad hominem: 100

can people stop being stupid as deliciously exquisite pizza sauce as acting like pb2s skill cap really matters?

this game is ridiculously easy to get good at, its mostly mechanics, you dont have to make complex plans, theres no critical thinking, no innovation that comes into play, its literally play play get mechanically decent and thats it, then other factors such as ping and in a general way, all forms of lag since if your game runs in a terrible way the syncing will also be deliciously exquisite pizza sauce up, but not only that, a player on high 60 and a player on low 20 who go up a wall and shoot probably shoot in different directions if they do it quickly, even tho it can be hitting the enemy in their screen because of how terrible the syncing is
skill isnt a valid argument at all, i dont think there are maps that really have a higher skill cap than others in pb2, and even then, its subjective, someone can be great on rails and terrible on arena, does that make rails have ah igher skill cap and arena a smaller one because lets say, someone camps in arena? its a valid strategy as annoying as it is, but the map should be balanced and not have OP camping spots, but then we are talking about stryde-sniper which doesnt have any

but being good or bad on the map doesnt deliciously exquisite pizza sauce matter, all games are mostly about the time factor than the natural skill modifier/other game experience/real life experience that makes you in a genreal way better in video games

that ressurection dude is ridiculous, im pretty sure anyone who decided to spend the time u spent playing pb2 would have a skill near yours, its not like its a really hard game, its not CS GO or DOTA 2, games where its not only about mechanical skill which is in a general way more of a time factor as i mentioned, but also consider the strategy factor, and in a general way, even innovation, something that is literally not present in pb2, the smart doesnt beat the strong, i mean in theory it does you can just hack but then tehres rules etc but who cares

youre really a ad hominem-ish person tho, nobody gives two deliciously exquisite pizza sauce if you can play a dead flash game and if youre "better" than people on it, in my opinion someone like darkstar or mrnat or max teabag, map makers, people who are actually smart and not stupid people who press buttons in a keyboard in the right order like a deliciously exquisite pizza sauce ape are way better than you, but meh, be cocky about being able to be mechanically good because we are getting into an age where nobody deliciously exquisite pizza sauce cares about it, sports are slowly going to die and esports take its place, and the most popular esports arent pb2 yet CS or DOTA, and the strategy factor is really important on them

anyway, your argument is also invalid, people come on it to have fun, some people have fun in different ways, some people enjoy RP maps, other enjoy simple killing maps, i already explained that stryde-sniper has a great balance of skill-cap and fun both not because of the skill-cap and because it has(read the long ass post of mine) you prob wont but meh

but thing is, a simple map with no skill cap IS POPULAR
JUST deliciously exquisite pizza sauce LOOK AT REALWAR, IT WAS POPULAR AS deliciously exquisite pizza sauce AND IT HAD PROBABLY THE LOWEST SKILL CAP

just look at any base or gunshop map, therye the most popular ones, theyre not ranked, but there is literally no skill factor on them
while on custom maps what would be "skill oriented maps" are saws i guess but meh

also why does a dude who plays stryde-sniper and is good at it more valuable than someone who is good at idk saws? why? just because eric said "THIS MAKES YOU REACH A LOVELY RANK THAT ALLOWS YOU TO SHOW OFF A LOVELY LABEL" its literally these stupid people who try to get high grades to get on a good unviersity but deliciously exquisite pizza sauce arent able to think for themselves and are just sheeple following a shepherd called society

also i like how you dont give any data and also dont explain why a map that has a high skillcap and a low fun modifier is bad, why a map that has a high skillcap and high fun modifier is good and why a map with a low skillcap and low fun modifier is bad, even tho max teabag made a post a long time ago on popularity of maps and he literally kinda said this
"simplicity n making it not boring is the key"

you see, he didnt mention skill cap

but meh youre probably biased n want to just play your lovely map and that is a valid point of your egoist philosophy which imo fits pretty well with your high Se according to jungian psychology which is why youre like "im cocky look at me a pb2 legend" but small thing, nobody cares, youre ridiculous, people are laughing at you

and i guess thats it

Once again another forum dweller whom clearly has no business speaking about this considering your have little experience or just plain bad at the map and snipers in general.For all that long essay you composed u didnt say much of anything.Firstly ill repeat it again if your forum dwellers truly think stryde-sniper is a simple low skill cap map. Lets play 1 on 1 and see how of a low skill cap it is, because according to you since its a low skill cap the the score should be relatively close.
Secondly i never said people cant enjoy other maps that dont take much skill such as a gunshop. However only an idiot wouldnt know why max teabag-gunshop isnt approved. And in this post we are talking about if this map should be approved or so it obviously matters whether this map takes skill.
Thirdly i do partially agree realwar was low skill however people had different reasons to play that map,mainly pp,kd, and easy kills for noobs. However realwar never surpassed stryde-sniper in popularity, which i do think shows that having a fun but also high skill cap map is the no.1 way to get the map popular.
Next i do know that stryde sniper is a simple map however complicated is not always better for gamplay in this game. The most skilled and successful semi automatic weapon maps (rails,snipers,rays) are generally more open so people can show their and use their movement and predict others movement.
Lastly i have no idea where u came to the conclusion that i believe that pb2 is the most skilled game out their lol. Throughout ur long rant, u seem to make a whole lot of assumptions, wild claims with no evidence and just continuously digressing from the main point.

yes because clearly i never played pb2 before and i wasnt considered a player with pretty good skill before right, im the one assuming things, sure
yes clearly i didnt say much of anything, ever looked at a mirror? you just keep using logical fallacies n throwing that lovely ad hominem every time you can, your argument is "i am good at the map so 1v1 me so i can show you how big the skillcap is"

THERES STILL A SKILLCAP DUMBASS, its a small one, lets compare it to games with actual high skillcaps

DOTA 2 is the game which has in a general way the biggest prize for winning a championship or a tournament, it goes into the million, and well, im pretty great at it, 6000k MMR and ive been listed on the top 1000 players, that took me almost three years of playing, over deliciously exquisite pizza sauce 6000 hours ingame, plus a ton of learning experimenting and even deliciously exquisite pizza sauce studying the game, and im nowhere as close to like actual proplayers, the game is affected by microplay to macroplay, every single deliciously exquisite pizza sauce thing, missing a deliciously exquisite pizza sauce lasthit can lose you a game some times, and not even going into how strategy is the most important part of it
thats a game which skillcap is a thing, if we went 1v1 solo mid with SF which is how pros see who are the better mids, i for sure would beat u 2-0, because its a best of 3 always, like, for id say deliciously exquisite pizza sauce years before u can beat me on it

and then theres deliciously exquisite pizza sauce pb2, a game which if i play a week daily like 5 hours i will become a "legend" n prob get into your level or near it, maybe even better considering things such as ping n etc, i wont because its boring crappy n nobody deliciously exquisite pizza sauce cares i dont get fun out of it, but the skillcap is minimal, and i was pretty good at, not sure if you know, and i played with good people too, like old BoZ which i was a part of

im not saying theres no skillcap its just minimal, and stryde sniper has a even lower one, a high skilled arena player vs a complete noob is way harder to kill in specific maps, while on stryde sniper you can just get a lucky shot

and well, does it matter if realwar is easy pp kills n kd for noobs and stryde-sniper is for "pros"? its just the people that change, it doesnt matter if youre the best pop music singer or the best classical composer ffs, even tho the classical composer can make a pop song, it isnt as great as the pop singer, not sure if you got this metaphor but stryde-sniper according to what ur saying is pure elitism

and im not even against removing it, i just suggested a system that makes people shut up n i find it ridiculous how the pb2 top "legends" go with their deliciously exquisite pizza sauce egos walking around like "you suck me good" but youre ridiculous, youre good at a deliciously exquisite pizza sauce dead flash game, youre ridiculous, if you like ad hominem i can use it too

and who cares, youre also assuming im a deliciously exquisite pizza sauce nobody, and ive never heard of u before, diamond legend, big thing, want a pick of my pizza sauce? i didnt say you think pb2 is the game with the highest skill cap, but you think its miles higher than it actually is

also imo with all my pb2 experience, arena is mostly about predicting movement, while snipers is mostly about hitting people before they hit u
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Hikarikaze » 5 January 2019, 22:23

Resurrectionn wrote:[...]

All of these words and you still didn't say anything lol

You know you lost the argument when you can't even respond to the person that responded to your response so you try to challenge people to 1v1s in an effort to disguise trying to pad out your ego as an "argument"

Resurrectionn wrote:Firstly ill repeat it again if your forum dwellers truly think stryde-sniper is a simple low skill cap map. Lets play 1 on 1 and see how of a low skill cap it is, because according to you since its a low skill cap the the score should be relatively close.

Imagine thinking 1v1s actually mean or prove anything

Nobody wants to 1v1 you because it literally will not prove anything. You're just looking to look cool here because this map is under fire and you can't defend it at all

Let me explain to you the idiocy in challenging with 1v1s. 1v1s are an invalid argument to draw from. They're isolated incidents where anything can happen. I could beat you because you might be having a bad day and vice versa. That doesn't mean you would be bad or that I'm bad. Using one trial to make this conclusion is always going to be flawed. A statistician would tell you the same thing too and would advise you to get a larger sample size and conduct more trials. Would you want to do a hundred 1v1s just for the sake of the argument?

You especially need to realize who it is you're talking to. Not everyone has the stats you do. Of course, you probably do realize that since you arrogantly claim to anyone you copy-paste your response to that they "can't get 5 on you to 20." Make sure whoever it is you're challenging is actually on the same skill level as you, otherwise your 1v1 argument is worthless from the start and doesn't prove anything regardless of whatever results come and how you explain them.

"I beat person x, therefore the map has a high skill cap unlike what person x claimed." What if the reason you beat person x is because that person isn't as skilled? That doesn't prove there's a high skill cap because you're comparing apples to oranges in a scenario where the difference in variables is night and day. The entire scenario from start to finish would be so imbalanced that it wouldn't be considered valid.

Resurrectionn wrote:Next i do know that stryde sniper is a simple map however complicated is not always better for gamplay in this game. The most skilled and successful semi automatic weapon maps (rails,snipers,rays) are generally more open so people can show their and use their movement and predict others movement.

That's general game knowledge. Movement prediction isn't a skill exclusive to stryde-sniper. These maps are open because the weapons are meant for open sightlines. You wouldn't use a sniper rifle in a cramped spot, especially when you're closer to CQC. stryde-sniper barely escapes from CQC range just because it's more open and spaced out. It's designed around the weapon; the map isn't designed so you can show how to predict movement. That's merely a skill you can use better in a map like this. Just because said skill can be used easier doesn't also mean that map was also designed for that reason.

You claim stryde-sniper isn't a low skill ceiling map but go off and list skills that is generally game knowledge and not exclusive to the map itself. Identifying the most beneficial spots to get kills from and how to rotate around lanes in the map are map-exclusive skills, which isn't rocket science. That can be mastered through trial and error alone quickly, and can arguably be also considered regular game knowledge that's merely translated to stryde-sniper as well.

Resurrectionn wrote:Thirdly i do partially agree realwar was low skill

The skills you mention that are used in stryde-sniper:
Resurrectionn wrote:show their and use their movement and predict others movement

Those same skills can be used in realwar as well. If stryde-sniper doesn't have a low skillcap (you mention sniper maps being a category of the most skilled maps) because of this, then neither does realwar.

I don't even know why I'm still arguing on a "competitive map" for a game that's nowhere near competitive at all
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Resurrectionn » 6 January 2019, 18:36

Hikarikaze wrote:
Resurrectionn wrote:[...]

All of these words and you still didn't say anything lol

You know you lost the argument when you can't even respond to the person that responded to your response so you try to challenge people to 1v1s in an effort to disguise trying to pad out your ego as an "argument"

Resurrectionn wrote:Firstly ill repeat it again if your forum dwellers truly think stryde-sniper is a simple low skill cap map. Lets play 1 on 1 and see how of a low skill cap it is, because according to you since its a low skill cap the the score should be relatively close.

Imagine thinking 1v1s actually mean or prove anything

Nobody wants to 1v1 you because it literally will not prove anything. You're just looking to look cool here because this map is under fire and you can't defend it at all

Let me explain to you the idiocy in challenging with 1v1s. 1v1s are an invalid argument to draw from. They're isolated incidents where anything can happen. I could beat you because you might be having a bad day and vice versa. That doesn't mean you would be bad or that I'm bad. Using one trial to make this conclusion is always going to be flawed. A statistician would tell you the same thing too and would advise you to get a larger sample size and conduct more trials. Would you want to do a hundred 1v1s just for the sake of the argument?

You especially need to realize who it is you're talking to. Not everyone has the stats you do. Of course, you probably do realize that since you arrogantly claim to anyone you copy-paste your response to that they "can't get 5 on you to 20." Make sure whoever it is you're challenging is actually on the same skill level as you, otherwise your 1v1 argument is worthless from the start and doesn't prove anything regardless of whatever results come and how you explain them.

"I beat person x, therefore the map has a high skill cap unlike what person x claimed." What if the reason you beat person x is because that person isn't as skilled? That doesn't prove there's a high skill cap because you're comparing apples to oranges in a scenario where the difference in variables is night and day. The entire scenario from start to finish would be so imbalanced that it wouldn't be considered valid.

Resurrectionn wrote:Next i do know that stryde sniper is a simple map however complicated is not always better for gamplay in this game. The most skilled and successful semi automatic weapon maps (rails,snipers,rays) are generally more open so people can show their and use their movement and predict others movement.

That's general game knowledge. Movement prediction isn't a skill exclusive to stryde-sniper. These maps are open because the weapons are meant for open sightlines. You wouldn't use a sniper rifle in a cramped spot, especially when you're closer to CQC. stryde-sniper barely escapes from CQC range just because it's more open and spaced out. It's designed around the weapon; the map isn't designed so you can show how to predict movement. That's merely a skill you can use better in a map like this. Just because said skill can be used easier doesn't also mean that map was also designed for that reason.

You claim stryde-sniper isn't a low skill ceiling map but go off and list skills that is generally game knowledge and not exclusive to the map itself. Identifying the most beneficial spots to get kills from and how to rotate around lanes in the map are map-exclusive skills, which isn't rocket science. That can be mastered through trial and error alone quickly, and can arguably be also considered regular game knowledge that's merely translated to stryde-sniper as well.

Resurrectionn wrote:Thirdly i do partially agree realwar was low skill

The skills you mention that are used in stryde-sniper:
Resurrectionn wrote:show their and use their movement and predict others movement

Those same skills can be used in realwar as well. If stryde-sniper doesn't have a low skillcap (you mention sniper maps being a category of the most skilled maps) because of this, then neither does realwar.

I don't even know why I'm still arguing on a "competitive map" for a game that's nowhere near competitive at all

How on earth have I lost the arguement I have yet to hear a reason why the map should be disapproved that wouldn't apply to nearly all the other popular maps.

Secondly I doubt you even read what i said,you claim that its a low skill map, that is true surely the game should be cloee.I still stand by my 1v1 offer, to show how much of a skill gap their is between two players im willing to 1v1 like 15 times. Let's see how much times u win if at all LMAO. According to yourself a map with such a low skill ceiling and such a simplistic design surely you'll be able to win atleast once? What's the point of 1v1ing near my skill level that proves nothing.

Lastly as i have already stated earlier if you were to use any of dumb points to disapprove this map you might aswell disapprove every map because all this nonsense can be applied or slightly changed to apply to simply every map.

I still wonder why i bother with this im in a debate about what in the game takes skill but the only skill the man has is typing in forums, I digress. Oh yea and finally there is nothing "cool" about talking in forums about games LOL
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby phsc » 6 January 2019, 19:16

Ressurection wrote:How on earth have I lost the arguement I have yet to hear a reason why the map should be disapproved that wouldn't apply to nearly all the other popular maps.

first of all, what is the problem with a reason that applies to other maps? really, that isnt even an argument
its like saying that just because a ton of people have some disorder we shouldnt treat the disorder

Ressurection wrote:Secondly I doubt you even read what i said,you claim that its a low skill map, that is true surely the game should be cloee.I still stand by my 1v1 offer, to show how much of a skill gap their is between two players im willing to 1v1 like 15 times. Let's see how much times u win if at all LMAO. According to yourself a map with such a low skill ceiling and such a simplistic design surely you'll be able to win atleast once? What's the point of 1v1ing near my skill level that proves nothing.

pb2 still has a skillcap but its minimal READ MY POST YOU deliciously exquisite pizza sauce DUMBASS where i compare it to a game that has an actual skillcap
your argument is the same as those dudes who instead of arguing want to start a fight or smth
again youre using the deliciously exquisite pizza sauce same argument which isnt EVEN A deliciously exquisite pizza sauce ARGUMENT

Ressurection wrote:Lastly as i have already stated earlier if you were to use any of dumb points to disapprove this map you might aswell disapprove every map because all this nonsense can be applied or slightly changed to apply to simply every map.

well ur the one using logical fallacies here so ur the dumb one, ur the one who instead of arguing keeps calling people to deliciously exquisite pizza sauce 1v1s, its like saying that the caveman who wants to fight with someone and show them that theyre good at a thing so that means the thing has a high skillcap is better than deliciously exquisite pizza sauce descartes or smth
and even then, if you want to see what a high skillcap is like lets idk play dota 2 like 1v1 sf mid or smth i swear that you will play the game for 2 years daily n wont be able to deliciously exquisite pizza sauce kill me once cuz THAT IS A GAME WITH AN ACTUAL HIGH SKILLCAP unlike pb2 which im sure that if i get crappy internet play on low 20 or smth n have some luck with the crappy syncing of the game i might beat ur ass after playing like 2 weeks or smth, as ANYONE ON THIS deliciously exquisite pizza sauce COMMUNITY PROBABLY CAN, its literally a grind not something about the natural skill modifier read the long ass post i made about the time factor being more important than the skill modifier

Ressurection wrote:I still wonder why i bother with this im in a debate about what in the game takes skill but the only skill the man has is typing in forums, I digress. Oh yea and finally there is nothing "cool" about talking in forums about games LOL

first of all its a girl, you probably have never seen one i guess, yeah i can use ad hominem too
and it is cool, i mean its really funny to see someone as ridiculous as u who cant even use arguments, every time you post i laugh, and some ppl in pb2s discord laugh too, deliciously exquisite pizza sauce, youre so ridiculous, the best part is how you use like LOL trying to roast hik but thing is she also doesnt deliciously exquisite pizza sauce care im prett sure about that and prob finds this funny too

youre ridiculous n thats it i guess

so i imagine ur thinking like im here just to defend hik or smth but thing is im here just cuz ur ridiculous and im not even friends with hik and we even argue some times too just look at the fanart section
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Hikarikaze » 6 January 2019, 19:51

Resurrectionn wrote:How on earth have I lost the arguement I have yet to hear a reason why the map should be disapproved that wouldn't apply to nearly all the other popular maps.

You lost the argument because you're still doubling down on your "argument" and repeating it ad nauseam

The OP has arguably valid reasons as to why the map should be unapproved, which I'm not going to repeat because it's already been said, even though the entire overarching reason this whole topic exists was because the map approval requirements are so flimsy that almost every approved map can be targeted for disapproval with reasons like OP listed. You'd know that if you actually bothered to read the last 2-3 pages in this topic

Resurrectionn wrote:Secondly I doubt you even read what i said,you claim that its a low skill map, that is true surely the game should be cloee.I still stand by my 1v1 offer, to show how much of a skill gap their is between two players im willing to 1v1 like 15 times. Let's see how much times u win if at all LMAO.

I've shown you exactly how it's a low skill map; you still think otherwise which shows that you haven't read what I said. You're just re-using the same hypothetical "well, if it's low skill, then it surely must be close" point to try to argue against my point when I de-constructed that argument in my previous reply to you by mentioning variables and skill differences.

The fact you still stand by the 1v1 offer also shows you either want to be ignorant or you just don't have proper reading comprehension to fully understand the argument. You try to offer 15 1v1s like that's a substantial amount of trials needed to prove anything, and you still haven't even answered my question from multiple posts ago on how a 1v1 would even prove anything. If you want your 1v1 point to even hold any weight, fallacious or not, you'd need at least 100 1v1s. You yourself don't even want to do that because you're offering 85 less 1v1s than what is substantial enough to be a more valid argument.

Also, your ego doesn't mean anything to me so you can keep saying "let's see how many times you win against me" as much as you want. Nobody wants to 1v1 you, plain and simple. The difference between you and I is clear as night and day: I'm a mapmaker that had well-received approved maps before so I know what I'm talking about here; you're just somebody who I've never heard of despite your rank that means nothing outside and inside of this game. You're just a competitor in a game that doesn't have competitiveness; I'm a person that gives you the ground to be a competitor in.

Resurrectionn wrote:According to yourself a map with such a low skill ceiling and such a simplistic design surely you'll be able to win atleast once?

Translation: I haven't read the post but I just want to 1v1 you because I have no faith in my own stats and want to flex on others anyways

Resurrectionn wrote:What's the point of 1v1ing near my skill level that proves nothing.

It makes the scenario in question balanced and fair, therefore making it valid and worth consideration. I guess this point flew over your head too like the selfboosters in stryde-sniper

Resurrectionn wrote:Lastly as i have already stated earlier if you were to use any of dumb points to disapprove this map you might aswell disapprove every map because all this nonsense can be applied or slightly changed to apply to simply every map.

You just repeated that which has basically already been said a long time ago in this topic and section. Good job.

Resurrectionn wrote:I still wonder why i bother with this im in a debate about what in the game takes skill but the only skill the man has is typing in forums, I digress.

As if having 94k kills in a flash game is worth considering "having skill" lol

Insulting is one of those skills you also don't seem to have. I suggest you do something that's more in your appropriate skill range, like digging up sand at a playground. Leave the discussing to the grown-ups at the table
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby Civil_Boss » 16 January 2019, 16:01

Un-approving an iconic map in this game will kill the game even more.

Stryde-sniper is basically THE most iconic map ever published upon this game, countless users still play this map to this day.

Un-approving this map will discourage people to continue playing this game at all, since certain players have put dedication into being actually "good" at this map.
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Re: [REMOVAL REQUEST] stryde-sniper

Postby phsc » 16 January 2019, 19:03

Civil_Boss wrote:Un-approving an iconic map in this game will kill the game even more.

makes sense i guess even tho in practice i think people will just play stryde-sniper2 or some random sniper map that is similar to it

Civil_Boss wrote:Stryde-sniper is basically THE most iconic map ever published upon this game, countless users still play this map to this day.

nazism is one of the most iconic ideologies, and it still has countless followers to this day, what an argument

Civil_Boss wrote:Un-approving this map will discourage people to continue playing this game at all, since certain players have put dedication into being actually "good" at this map.

not really, the skillcap is minimal and that has really been explained by me and hikarikaze, there are other sniper maps that are really similar and would take its place tho

Resi wrote:(?) Phsc will remember that.

im actually in favor for its approval i just want the system to be reworked so people, the pb2 players use
read my long ass post in the plazma burst 2 3 suggestions thing where i use a formula that in theory would make so a map would need a few numbers of recommendations for approval using a formula i made and then that would appear in a list of maps which staff should go in and approve but that wont happen because the current system is "good enought" but meh
anway considering styrde sniopers current rate amount following that formula it would need around 25 unrecommendation for approval, from users i consider valid which i think i explained in this thread where i explained how we should rework the rating system

and i wont remember that its not even an argument its stating possibilities, we dont know if it will die or not, its a metaphysical question, the only way to solve it is unnaproving it for a small period of time
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