Postby Yex » 17 August 2020, 23:27

- To the best of my knowledge, the following map fits all requirements to be approved: YES
- The following map contains no unfair hidden features: YES
- The following map contains nothing against the PB2 Code of Conduct: YES
- I have read and understood fully the Required Reading for posting a Map Approval Request: YES
- I have read and understood fully the Map Approval Rules: YES

- Map Name: Ray Warfare [All-Modes][MP]
- Map ID: yex-a
- Link to Map Page: https://www.plazmaburst2.com/?s=9&a=&m=yex-a
- Link to Map Demo: https://www.plazmaburst2.com/?s=2&map=yex-a

- Give a brief description of the map: Real-time ray warfare in a laboratory location with toxic poison liquid.
- Why you think the map deserves to be approved: Nevermind I think it needs more feedback before this.
- Any other comments: Still thinking about it though.
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Postby Stryde » 30 August 2020, 22:15

yex-a (1st playtest, 2nd time requesting map for approval)
- This map literaly is flat and has so little cover https://prnt.sc/u8lgmv
- Map is too large and too open
- Toxic liquid color doesn't look good compared to background on map (should be less saturated or something)
- Map preview activated on start
- Can spawn on top of map
- Water does damage by trigger execution that causes damage in regionA. Why not rename acid Toxic Liquid and make it do 15 damage..?
- Map has too much fall damage any place where there aren't gravitators

The approval request for yex-a has been rejected from playtesting feedback.

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