Incentives such as special weapons skins and player skins or in game name colors and such could be unlocked with a "battle pass" type system but instead of paying monthly you earn score based on things you do for a community score such as rating maps, playing actively, logging in consecutively, posting on forums, playing custom maps, and attending community events. This would also bring in more revenue for Eric by forcing users to website to view ads on more pages, so it can pay for itself. Older and more active players could earn more combinations of aesthetics with time than players which aren't as active. This system could also be implemented into a map approval system, with more players being having an incentive to rate maps for community score, meaning you can unapproved maps with many bad ratings and rotate highly rated maps more frequently. You could also have a page where highly rated maps are put to a critique process within the community after being screened by staff to determine approvability of the map. Players will gain community score for play testing maps, putting less stress on staff to determine quality of the map, they can just focus more on the technical side of it.
Maybe every month there can be multiple rewards such as red left arm, yellow body, crazy helmet, colored swords, with maxing out rewards being obtainable only for really active players so there is a grind to it.
Aspects of community score should take place on forums and website instead of exclusively on launcher, to increase ad revenue for developer of the game.
This could also be implemented into pb2.5