Factions System & Currency

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Factions System & Currency

Postby BlvxkByrd » 14 July 2023, 09:02

Some random ideas that can be played around with.

Currency - ASP can be used as currency to get some stuff, like maybe you can buy nades in-game or something. It could also be used as a fee for people wanting to make clans. This would also encourage more people to play ranked and give more incentive to play.

Clans - Clan support. People can create clans (maybe for a fee) and have a clan section where the other sections are (oldest active players, top 100, etc.) The clan tag could also be colored on people's profiles and in-game, and the color could be one of a few the creator can choose from. It'd be interactive so you could join a clan or leave (Maybe it could also cost a fee to join a clan and fees can be dictated by their founders, with a cap of course). Maybe a post wall where updates regarding the clan could be made.

I think there's a lot that can be done here and would not only entice new players to join the game but keep them around.
I have toppled clans. I have slain leaders. I have exiled legends.
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