64bit Plazma Burst 2

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64bit Plazma Burst 2

Postby Nank » 7 February 2021, 00:05

If plazma burst become 64x, it be more optimized and more enjoyable!

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Re: 64bit Plazma Burst 2

Postby broforce1 » 14 February 2021, 09:33

What about the WindowsXP users and other old poor PC users who cannot have 64 bit who can have only 32bit on their PC hope

i have win10 btw so dont say that i complain cuz i have old PC my PC is super...btw none can have winxp in 2021 so i might be wrong about those poor users but who cures his old PC can still use that trash, PB2 is flash so you gotta make sure first that flash is too old
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Re: 64bit Plazma Burst 2

Postby TheMeteor » 18 February 2021, 02:52

broforce1 wrote:What about the WindowsXP users and other old poor PC users who cannot have 64 bit who can have only 32bit on their PC hope

i have win10 btw so dont say that i complain cuz i have old PC my PC is super...btw none can have winxp in 2021 so i might be wrong about those poor users but who cures his old PC can still use that trash, PB2 is flash so you gotta make sure first that flash is too old

That's the smarter thing you ever typed lmao
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