Staff application feedback

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Staff application feedback

Postby iDomino » 30 November 2020, 18:10

Hey, just thought it'd be cool if for the Staff applications there was some kind of feedback system. In my eyes it'd encourage alot of people to recieve a message with a short reason on why the application was denied or (at least) which points could be improved in the future. Something along the lines of that

Of course all without spoonfeeding the information. If, however, the amount of requests is higher than I thought and in the process too time-consuming, then disregard my idea.
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Re: Staff application feedback

Postby mrblake213 » 30 November 2020, 18:58

As an applicant, this would be a great idea.

I remember applying 3-4 times before without any notice or news about my application whether the guy I sent it to has received it already. Sometimes, people forget and that's why I even think about double-sending my app. The first time I got accepted into staff, I was messaged a month after I sent my application, which is really a long long time and I have lost all hope.

However, there is such a thing as staff-classified information. I think it's best if we keep it into a more-generalized or specific way to keep confidential things stay confidential especially when the feedback is based on other player reports.
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Re: Staff application feedback

Postby phsc » 1 December 2020, 08:08

I suggested this to Tempus a while ago, this was his reply:

Putting it on hold within the context was because he was very tired because he had a busy day.

I think this is a great idea, I personally think everyone should be able to see the staff applications, as almost everything should also be public, to not only comfort the playerbase but allow them to talk back when something unfair, abusive, questionable or whatever happens, and this includes staff recruitment.

I would go as far as to allow the applicant to reply to the criticisms made, considering a lot of staff members are irrational and make extremely weak points, the applicant could show that such points are weak and just shatter them, making it easier for him to join the team.
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Re: Staff application feedback

Postby Gashadokuro » 1 December 2020, 11:22

A simple reply stating that your application has been received and will be evaluated within a month (for example) would be nice. When applying for staff or joining the server, people have a lot of enthusiasm, but if they never get a reply or have to wait several hours to get verified, that will be a big turn off.

But other than that yes, "We reserve your application, meaning we usually do not contact you if your application was declined." isn't really ideal.
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