Another ideas perhaps to improve gameplay.

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Another ideas perhaps to improve gameplay.

Postby Yex » 14 August 2020, 01:43

So we all know that lag can be a problem but this has made me think what if there was an automatic setting that would automatically set itself to the right settings if a player is having issues for example as it would automatically change settings even during gameplay and just in case if a player doesn't like it there should be an option to turn it off and manually set the settings.
I've heard dynamic difficulty was a thing but I don't think the dynamic difficulty is necessary perhaps but if it is needed perhaps it would help players who play singleplayer campaign or custom maps are having difficulties trying to beat it we could have a dynamic difficulty that would make them being able to beat it as well as a balanced challenge but I think this one is just unnecessary perhaps.
So like as I said I think having a balanced setting that would help the player if it experiences problems as an example since lag or performance problems can cause disadvantages to the player that has lagging problems so why not have automatic self boost factor that would become more powerful if a player is very laggy and has problems trying to self boost as an example or any other forms that would balance the overall gameplay of the laggy player but still give them a fair challenge against other non-laggy players as an example.
Or we could just have automatic settings that change during gameplay as I said above without giving the player any advantages for performance problems.
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Re: Another ideas perhaps to improve gameplay.

Postby Yex » 16 October 2020, 02:08

Unnecessary post I think so.
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